As a past stripper I knew how to use my sexuality to get what I wanted. Yet, all the earthly pleasures and abundance in the world couldn’t quench the depth my soul craved.

Lover’s couldn’t match the fire that resonated deep in my bones. Sex was a mindless act rather than a remembrance of connection. Life as a whole lacked the vitality and receptivity I desired, everything felt HARD.

After unlocking my sexual awareness over the past 4 years, I can confidently say that I have an evolutionary sex life that goes far beyond the imaginary confines of the bedroom.

My quest to bridge the gap between spirituality and sexuality began with the innate desire for pleasure. I vividly recall always thinking about sex, it felt like a dirty little secret I held onto as the quiet girl who always kept her mouth shut.

My childhood felt mostly unstable and chaotic. Even as a child, I always felt I needed to be the adult. Sex easily became a way for me to gain control over my environment and people, because internally I felt completely unable to cope with my surroundings.

As an 18 year old, I traveled through India and was taught that the “right” spiritual path was beyond the body, and that engaging in the ‘lusting' of your bodily pleasures’ was considered “lower” or “less conscious”.

Back home, stripping quickly became my preferred approach to explore my body, pleasure and desires. I still felt misunderstood and alone. I experienced bouts of depression and painful periods that became worse after a year of partying where I finally let myself express my inner-teen that went overlooked for so long.

I went from having the best sex of my life to sex becoming the source of my pain. This left me feeling conflicted and ashamed. I had used sex to cope with my feelings of unworthiness rather than a means for greater connection and healing. Ultimately, this led to two abortions, stirring up all the emotions I had suppressed and rocking my relationship to a near breaking point.

What was at the very core of this turmoil was a desire to feel wanted. The only person who could give that to me, was myself.

I was a South Florida stripper, juggling tantra yoga classes & tantric massage workshops. And, as this seductive veil soon began to lift; I fell into becoming a Tibetan Buddhist Tantrika. Unlike many practitioners of Tantra in the West - this 2.5 year journey was not rooted in sexual massage or weekend “initiations”. It was under the auspicious teachings of a 1,200 year old tradition of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism - which included lineage-based teachings for harnessing sexual energy and using it for healing and spiritual connection.

I got to recreate the intensity and alchemy through my sexuality that had been so spontaneous years prior, but this time to utilize its potential for healing and self-love.

Shifting from pleasure scarcity to pleasure consciousness was a process of both personal and universal reconciliation. I studied Buddhism, authentic tantra, sexology and the subconscious mind. Embodying these concepts always came back to my sexuality. Instead of the pursuit of endless gratification, I I went from using sex to cope with negative experiences, to expansive self-pleasure rooted unwavering presence and ultimate connection. I choose to live in harmony with my cycles. I choose to utilize my libido for the betterment of all humanity. I choose to embody my pleasure as a source of universal prosperity and wisdom. 

You don’t have to settle for average sex with a 3 second climax. You deserve to experience soul shifting, mind blowing sex - with or without a partner. I invite you into emotional freedom and pleasure consciousness by weaving tangible and evidence based methods including transformational therapy, authentic tantra and buddhist principles into a completely personalized immersion.

I advocate for men, women and couples to have extraordinary sexual experiences because I have lived within the duality of linking my pleasure to pain. I believe that adopting sexuality as a mechanism for healing reaches into every facet of your life. By not addressing your relationship to sex, it is by far, the #1 reason why people suffer from feeling disconnected, confused and misunderstood. 

Disconnection from your infinite nature, yourself - leads to distrust. This confusion is where we lack authenticity and direction in all areas of our lives, especially sexually. What results is sexual dysfunction, anxiety, depression, intimacy fears, painful sex and relationship patterns… the list goes on. Ultimately, this disconnection leads to an inability to lead a life of purpose, self-trust and power.

Working with your sexuality will be the scariest, yet most fulfilling thing you ever do.

So, whether you choose to work with me for one session or 6 months, you will have infinite breakthroughs rooted in the heart of your desires and for the benefit of all.

I hope we get the opportunity to connect, I cannot wait to support you. 

I’ll see you there. 

Let’s dive in

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